Here’s what’s new in 2025

For 2025, we’ve streamlined our Unlimited memberships to make it easier to join without compromising on the features our members love—such as personalized options, access to our extraordinary fleet and global boating in any of our locations worldwide.

Ideal for occasional boaters, our new offerings include Charter options and PayGo memberships (pay per trip). Rooted in our signature Club culture, our On Demand services provide premium experiences aboard our premium fleet.

A groundbreaking way to enjoy all the benefits of ownership while retaining the flexibility and convenience of an Agapi membership. This approach is the perfect mix of a smart investment and member-exclusive benefits.

These developments will be available in all existing regions
and on +10 new locations we plan to add this year



Access to all boats and locations Pure joy. Zero hassle

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Tillgång till alla båtar och platser. Inget krångel. Medlemskap från 1000€ per år.

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