From vibrant city centers to island paradises, our harbors are strategically located to provide you with unparalleled access to some of the world’s most beautiful waters. Choose a home harbour, dual-home, or enjoy the freedom of not being tied to any single location—our membership offers unlimited access to premium boats from any of our Clubs worldwide.

With Agapi, you can forget the hassle and expense of mooring, maintenance, storage, and insurance. Our boating membership streamlines the experience, letting you focus on the adventure. Whether you’re exploring familiar waters or discovering new horizons, Agapi makes boating effortless and truly rewarding.

Go boating from any of our harbours worldwide

Where would you like to go boating?
We are constantly adding more locations and harbours. Are we close enough to where you live? Let us know where you’d like our next harbour to be located!

Access to all boats and locations Pure joy. Zero hassle

By signing up, you agree to the Agapi Boat Club Privacy Policy. You can change the way we contact you or unsubscribe at any time.

Access to all boats and locations Pure joy. Zero hassle

By signing up, you agree to the Agapi Boat Club Privacy Policy. You can change the way we contact you or unsubscribe at any time.

Tillgång till alla båtar och platser. Inget krångel. Medlemskap från 1000€ per år.

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