Pre-Season 2023 Offer

by Agapi Boat Club

Quarken 27 Cabin

Sign up for 2023 and get started now

Now begins a fantastic time at sea! Provided you have the right boat, equipment and experience. With our five attractive and comfortable cabin boats in Stockholm and Mallorca, we double the season. Our popular aluminum boats from Anytec in Stockholm and the very spacious Saxdor 320 GTC in Stockholm and Mallorca.

Secure your membership for 2023 and get the time until April 1, 2023 included in your membership. You only pay for 12 months (April 1, 2023 April 1, 2024) but become a member from when you wish until then.

Contact for more information or use the web form below.

Saxdor 320 GTC
Quarken 27 Cabin
Anytec 27 Cabin
Ockelbo 21 Cabin

Ready to subscribe to your dream boating life?

Imagine having access to a new boat every year with the latest technology. Imagine your boat being at the dock, cleaned, filled up, and ready to go all year round! And moreover, imagine being able to go boating in a variety of beautiful harbours in multiple locations. This is what Agapi Boat Club can offer you. Just fill in the contact form and we will be in touch with you soon!

Access to all boats and locations Pure joy. Zero hassle

By signing up, you agree to the Agapi Boat Club Privacy Policy. You can change the way we contact you or unsubscribe at any time.

Tillgång till alla båtar och platser. Inget krångel. Medlemskap från 1000€ per år.

Genom att registrera dig godkänner du Agapi Boat Club’s sekretesspolicy. Du kan när som helst ändra hur vi kontaktar dig eller avregistrera dig.